Eskhill & Co | Green House at Eskhill | 15A Inveresk Village |
Musselburgh EH21 7TD
Myers Briggs Personality Indicator
Successful business relationships develop from an appreciation that people
with different working and communication styles complement each other.
We work with clients using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). MBTI is
the most widely used personality questionnaire in the world.
The Myers Briggs way:
The MBTI is a framework for understanding preference, based on the work
of Jung. Jung's theory suggests that we use preferences in gathering
information and making decisions. We also have preferences as to where
we draw our energy from and the lifestyle we choose.
As we gain in experience we develop our own ways of doing things.
Knowing ourself and our natural preferences is the start point to
understanding the preferences of others. The MBTI is recognised as a
powerful tool and can be used to help us think about individual or team
preferences to improve performance as well as to understand the source
of many conflicts.
Both of Eskhill & Co's partners are qualified to deliver the Myers Briggs
Type Indicator (MBTI). An MBTI assessment can be carried out as part of a
coaching programme or included in conflict coaching or as a stand-alone
MBTI can help in the following ways:
avoid conflict - understand difference
build and improve teams
communicating effectively
decision-making - problem solving
help others communicate with you
self-development - career development
selling and influencing
stress management
understand organisation culture
Whatever the circumstances of your life, whatever your personal ties,
work and responsibilities, the understanding of type can make
perceptions clearer, your judgements sounder, and your life closer to
your heart's desire.
Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing
MBTI Personality Type
Understanding our own preferences can help us apply our
natural skills at work.
Mediation, Facilitation and Coaching