Eskhill & Co | Green House at Eskhill | 15A Inveresk Village |
Musselburgh EH21 7TD
The word "coach" brings to mind forms of transportation dating back many
centuries, and the word "coachng" literally means the transportation of
someone from one place to another. There are many forms of coaching:
one thing they have in common is that people use them to help them move
forward and create change.
The coaching way:
We focus on coaching for improved performance, usually, but not
exclusively, in the work setting. And one key element in our approach is
based on Tim Gallwey's concept of the Inner Game and the equation:
Performance = Potential - Interference or P = p - i
If you can minimise interference - which comes in many forms, you can
maximise performance. So we concentrate on minimising interference.
We provide coaching for senior people in the public, private and voluntary
sectors - in Scotland and throughout the UK. Few executives set aside
structured time to develop their goals, options and action plans. Our
coaching programmes provide a rigorous, focused framework through
which leaders can realise their potential.
We will be a challenging sounding board as well as a confidante when
you're under pressure. Together we can work through real issues that you
are facing. We'll provide support and help you develop strategies not just
to cope, but to excel.
Find out more
Why not have an initial, free consultation with us? There's absolutely no
obligation. Find out how we work and what we can do to help you resolve
a problem involving two parties.
"Coaching is the art of facilitating the performance, learning and
development of another."
Myles Downie
Effective Coaching
Coaching can help you to:
take on new roles
take on a new project
develop untapped talents
manage through times of change
find your way at career crossroads
take on the leadership of teams
Mediation, Facilitation and Coaching